Praise for HowdaSEATS for Adults
Praise for HowdaHUGS for Kids

The HowdaSeat has saved my life! For years I suffered with planes, theatre seats, and autos which threw my back out of shape. I have told countless people of the wonders of this strange little seat – it is a marvelous invention and believe me, is there ever a need for it!
Michael B., New York, NY
The HowdaSeat has saved my life! For years I suffered with planes, theatre seats, and autos which threw my back out of shape. I have told countless people of the wonders of this strange little seat – it is a marvelous invention and believe me, is there ever a need for it!
Michael B., New York, NY
It’s the perfect meditation seat. Extremely comfortable, folds to nothing and is so light. I’ve used mine for years.
Jennifer H., Gold Hill, Oregon
I bought my HowdaSeat ten years ago to use when sitting on grassy slopes to watch my grandson play soccer. Since then I’ve used my HowdaSeat in all the places listed on your flyer except bird watching (I’m not a birder). I also take my seat to meetings to use on those abominable folding chairs and to use in hotels to sit on the bed to watch television.
Janet L., Voorheesville, NY
I’ve carried my beloved HowdaSeat through four geographical moves and into marriage to a sailor. My sailor husband quickly saw the utility of the HowdaSeat on the boat. Finally, a seat that doesn’t take up room; has minimal materials that can mildew; will dry quickly if wet since there is no cushion; and folds flat when you get up for a quick maneuver – thus not getting in your way as you move around the cockpit.
Jane T., letter to the editor, Practical Sailor magazine
I have used the HowdaSeat principally when I fly and when I rent cars. It has really been a back saver. Airplane seats are often without any lower back support. Also some new cars have the same problem. The HowdaSeat has been perfect for me in my business travels – I just fold it up and put in my briefcase or carry on! When I arrive at my destination my back usually feels better than when I started my trip.
Alfred Z., Houston TV
I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying the red HowdaSeat you recently sent me. I’m enclosing a sad old one, which needs a full overhaul. It was purchased on 09/20/1992 from your cart at Faneuil Hall/Quincy market. I had just been released from a local hospital after having spent several days in traction for my lower back/sciatica. I was determined to go to Boston to drop my older son off at Northeastern University for his first semester. Your seat made it possible for me to sit up on the drive home, instead of lying down on the back seat for five hours as I had on the trip up.
Joanne P., Huntington, NY
Shop for HowdaSEATS for Adults
Praise for HowdaHUGS for kids

The HowdaHUG chairs are, just after books, perhaps the most significant factor in our class’s Reading Workshop. Teaching in an inclusion model classroom with students who have an array of attentional, sensory, and learning challenges integrated with so-called typically developing students, I find these seats contribute to sustained reading and enjoyment of books. They are a great equalizer as all benefit from their comfort when we spread across the room. Children sit, rock, or even roll over . . . but, they keep on reading!
B.B., Hamilton Massachusetts
The teacher I work with, who teaches children with autism, uses the HowdaHUG for many children in her classroom. She has been able to use it with 5 of her children so far and all results have been positive. The classroom paraprofessionals are providing feedback as well……….”that seat is great,” “the kids love that seat.” The feedback I get is that the seat provides a calming sense and support for these kiddos. We feel that the impact of the seat is awesome. Kids sit better and attend to group and lessons longer. Our district is interested in purchasing them to have them available in all of our buildings.
Diana S., Teacher, Columbus, Ohio
My daughter absolutely loves her HowdaHUG chair. She uses it everyday in class when they are having circle time or when she needs to sit for extended periods of time. It helps her stay focus on the situation on hand while sitting in a comfortable chair. We would highly recommend this chair to anyone, child or adult, for any reason to sit comfortably.
Karen H., Mother, Albama
My son really liked the feel of the seat (he also has low muscle tone) and it helped to keep him more settled. I ordered two because my younger son (5 yrs) loved it too so I had to buy one for him as well!!
Sue H.
The HowdaHUG chair has been helpful for one student in particular. This student seeks out deep pressure during the day. He also has a goal to stay seated during tasks throughout his day. I believe that this chair has helped provide sensory input for this student and I have seen an improvement in his ability to stay seated during desk-top tasks. This chair is also very easy to set-up and use with a regular desk chair as well as easy to store with the convenient collapsible design.
J.K., Occupantional Therapist, Baltimore ,Maryland
The HowdaHUG chair has been well received by several students in my young autism class. It helps them sit and attend during floor time group activities. It also has been very helpful during individual work times to get them focused and reduce elopement. It allows for sensory breaks through rocking and pushing without needing to transition away from the work area.
S.S., Occupational Therapist, Baltimore, Maryland